Pay per Click helps strengthen Link Building strategies

Posted in Monday 6 February 2012
by Search Engine Optimisation

Whenever people discuss Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) the term Link Building features predominantly in their discussions. This is because link building plays a very integral role in SEO activities. It is of one of the key internet marketing activities that help boost the visibility of a site on the web.

While you may enter into some kind of a deal where you exchange links with other sites, possibly for free, that mainly works for websites that are at par with yours in terms of content quality, popularity and internet visibility.

The best program for your site is Pay per Click (PPC). With PPC programs, you pay a fee for other popular sites to host your site’s links. You get the best results by engaging both popular sites and those which are also trying to make a name in the internet.

For a PPC program such as ad sense, you enrol into the program and the ad sense system automatically posts your links on other sites. The system effectiveness stems from its context-sensitivity. This means the program posts links on websites that carry relevant content.

In other words, if your content is about heart complications, the system posts links on sites carrying similar content. Thus, a visitor looking for info on heart complications is likely to reach you via the more popular site that carries content similar to yours. You may consider these sites as competition, but remember they are doing better than you in terms of web visibility. Visitors find them before they can even have a chance to know your site exists! Since you need them more than they need you, it is prudent to pay that small fee for the clicks to your site.

Remember to engage a company that will offer all the other SEO activities as PPC alone is insufficient.